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How to Spray Paint Metal

Featuring Tips From The Craftsmans Blog

Spray painting metal chair

How to Spray Paint Metal

Featuring Tips From The Craftsmans Blog

Types of Surfaces

metal fire wood holder
Painted Surfaces

Previously painted surfaces, especially those with chipping or peeling paint, can compromise your entire project if not prepped properly. The entire surface should be scraped clean with a wire brush then sanded until smooth.

green cabinet
Shiny Surfaces

Slick, shiny surfaces are difficult for paint to adhere to. Use steel wool or a wire brush to rough up the surface. This will help the paint adhere and result in a longer-lasting finish.

plant on a porch
Rusty Surfaces

Rust is a common occurrence on metal. Before painting, it’s important to remove any existing rust with sandpaper or a wire brush. This will ensure no previous rust on your project’s surface will continue to grow after painting.

Types of Metals

table and chair on patio
Ferrous Metal

Wrought iron, steel and cast-iron surfaces because they are more susceptible to rust. “Anything with iron content is considered a ferrous metal. The quickest way to test is if the metal responds to a magnet.” For maximum rust protection, you can use Rust Tough Primer as a base coat.

geometric light fixture
Nonferrous Metals

Metals that are nonferrous (those not containing iron), don’t require priming if you sand away their shiny surfaces during prep. This includes materials like copper, bronze, brass, aluminum, tin and precious metals like silver, platinum and gold, among others.

metal plant pots
Galvanized Metals

Galvanized metals are unique since they tend to have zinc coatings for added protection. If a galvanized metal shows signs of rust, it can be primed with Rust Tough Primer as a base coat before spray painting for optimal future rust prevention.

Krylon® Rust Tough® with Anti-Rust Technology™